Bureau for Economic Research (BER)

BER is a research centre at Stellenbosch University and formally linked to the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. The main goal of the BER is to independently generate, analyse and disseminate authoritative and policy relevant information on the South African economy in a user-friendly manner. The BER’s existing business model relies on a revenue stream from clients subscribing to the range of data products and analyses offered by the BER, sponsorships of various indices and commissioned research work. As a result, the BER’s capacity to engage with policy makers, businesses and the pubic, is constrained as all staff time and resources are focused largely on commercially viable activities. The resources distributed by the distribution from Millennium Trust materially assist the BER to unlock the potential to make a more substantive contribution to sound economic-policy processes and dialogue, and business performance, by focussing on strategies and plans for economic growth and higher levels of employment.

For more information refer to https://www.ber.ac.za/.